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Learning, Loving, Living.

So , once again I fell off the writing wagon. What can I say other than life happened ( which it certainly did).

Flashback to September 2021 - my life was a mess and I honestly was feeling so lost after being in Cambodia for 4 years. I was trying hard to find work, I was feeling lonely , and I was desperately trying to fill my days with something productive.

Flash forward to now ( May 2022 ) and it's such a beautiful thing to see how God has worked in my life to help me grow and show me my path. I am working at a Pre School as a Grade R Teacher, I am in a relationship with the most incredible human and I am working hard to finish my degree.

It was never my goal to be a pre school teacher - in truth pre school was the last place I planned on working but it's where I've ended up and I couldn't be happier. My class of 13 are truly my sunshines and it is such a privilege to be on their journey with them. Being their teacher is truly making me a better teacher and human!

In October last year I met my Cavan. He is everything I could have dreamt of and more ( literally so much more). Things definitely haven't been easy but having someone who pushes you to be better yet supports you in every possible way - that's a dream. Over these last 7 months , we have gone through so much ( like more than most couples go through in 5 years ). He is my best friend ,the love of my life and my favourite Carrot Cake maker. I am truly learning to love him better everyday - because that's what he deserves - to be loved for everything he is!

I am working to finish my Bachelors degree. It definitely hasn't been easy balancing everything, but here I sit in between studying for my first exam and I feel like I'm doing okay.

So on top of everything else , I've been battling with a hormone imbalance, cysts on my ovaries and a cycle that lasts more than 50 days. It's made me crazy emotional and moody and honestly a pretty unpleasant person to be around - so I am so grateful for everyone who has stuck by me.

As I write this - I am focusing on the good : My amazing job , My incredible man and the privilege of education and hoping while doing that my health will sort itself out.

Sending love and positivity to you all.


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