Reflections & Realizations
Back in 2018, I made the decision to go and volunteer in Cambodia with children with HIV. I worked for an incredible NGO and it truly opened my eyes and my heart to the struggles that so many face and allowed me to grow into a more compassionate and understanding version of myself.
As amazing as working in Cambodia was , it wasn't perfect... I definitely lost myself a little bit in the process of trying to do everything for everyone else and ended up putting myself last a lot of the time. Now looking back , I felt like I couldn't think about what I needed when kids in my class were in hospital and we weren't sure if they would even make it to the next week. My needs and problems seemed petty in comparison, but this just wasn't true. Any time we compare our struggles to someone else's , that just doesn't lead to a healthy place. As sad and sometimes heartbreaking it is that my time in Cambodia has come to an end - I know in my heart that this is my path and I am so hopeful where its leading me is to an even better opportunity and adventure.
Flash forward to now and I am back in South Africa after almost 4 years of being overseas. It's definitely been a time of transition and a struggle figuring out who I am without being "Cha Alexis" at NHCC. Going from having my own place to moving back home with family. Going from being completely independent to having to rely on friends and family to fetch and carry me.
But this being said , the hard days make the good ones so much better - grateful for the good and the bad and everything in between.
Since being back in good old South Africa, so much has happened - from life changing decisions, to the unrest in Gauteng and Durban to things turning out to be kind of okay. Reconnecting and connecting with some lovely humans has truly made this time of transition that much better.
I know it's been too long since I've posted on here and I forgot what an amazing creative outlet it was for me in the past so I am going to make a commitment to try and post once a month from now on.. I don't even know if anyone is reading this and that's totally fine , but if you are , I appreciate you and don't be afraid to hold me accountable if I fall off the wagon again!
Watch this space - and have an AMAZING August!